PEACE BY PEACEFUL MEANS – International Summit for Peace in Ukraine – Vienna/Austria, June 10th/11th 2023
The “International Summit for Peace in Ukraine” will take place in Vienna on 10 – 11 June 2023.
International Peace Bureau, CODEPINK, Assembly of the World Social Forum, Transform Europe, Europe for Peace, International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR), Peace in Ukraine, Campaign for Peace Disarmament and Common Security (CPDCS)
Local organizers and supporters:
AbFaNG (Action Alliance for Peace, Active Neutrality and Non-Violence), Institute for Intercultural Research and Cooperation (IIRC), Herbert C. Kelman Institute for Interactive Conflict Transformation, ÖGB – Österreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund, WILPF Austria, ATTAC Austria, IFOR Austria
Sponsors: CODEPINK, Transform Europe, Rosa-Luxemburg Foundation (tbc).
World Without Wars and Violence Greece, Hellenic Branch of IPPNW, Naturefriends Greece, will participate with a common representative.
Call for peace
“We condemn the illegal Russian invasion of Ukraine. We are fully aware of NATO’s co-responsibility for this long-term conflict as one of many examples of violations of international law. At the same time, we are affected by the impact this war and all wars have on societies – from injuries and deaths to the long-term deprivation that affects women who provide vital care even in times of war, struggling for livelihoods and peace despite human rights violations. It destroys the environment and infrastructure, causes food and energy prices to rise around the world, exacerbates poverty and hunger – especially in the global South – and threatens the entire world with nuclear war.” (excerpt from the “Call for Peace”)
Why Vienna?
Austria is a neutral country. It is a “UN City” and the seat of the OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) Secretariat, which has been monitoring the situation in the Donbass since the signing of the Minsk II agreement.
Why we are participating in the Peace Summit:
It is the responsibility of peace movements around the world and all peace-loving peoples to strengthen these efforts. The Vienna Peace Summit in Ukraine can be a strong sign of hope and a catalyst for more and stronger peace actions worldwide.
Greetings: Noam Chomsky (USA), Francia Márquez, (Vice President of Colombia), Edgar Morin (France), Cardinal Álvaro Leonel Ramazzini Imeri (Guatemala).
Speakers – Interventions from the following countries: Bolivia, USA, Finland, Finland, Ukraine, Ghana, Spain, Canada, India, France, Brazil, Germany.
Work groups: Eight working groups on a) Analysing the nature and context of this war b) Initiatives to stop war and ensure peace c) Living with war, fighting for peace.
Adopting the “Vienna Appeal for Peace in Ukraine”.
Conference website with detailed information on the programme, speakers, working groups, etc.
NOTE: The three participating organizations from Greece are partners of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) – Peace Nobel Prize 2017, and have recently organized the event on “Nuclear Energy & Nuclear Weapons” (29.03.2023) in Athens, Greece.
Contact Mail: | Phone: +30 6949401458 (Nikos Stergiou)
Το άρθρο Vienna/Austria, June 10th/11th 2023: PEACE BY PEACEFUL MEANS – International Summit for Peace in Ukraine εμφανίστηκε πρώτα στο Nature Friends.